Local Elections and Progressives

Local Elections and Progressives

The trend over the past few years has been for progressive candidates to get elected in non-partisan (means no political party affiliation) local elections in order to give them name recognition and to advance their own agendas and political ambitions. The reality is...
City Elections and Low Voter Turnout

City Elections and Low Voter Turnout

Traditionally, because city officials are in such close proximity they respond to “we the people” and listen to us. There are many who represent us in Washington who do not even maintain a home in their district but spend 90% of their time in Washington, DC. When this...
City Elections Important? You Bet!

City Elections Important? You Bet!

As a whole we have become used to the federal government telling us we have to submit to new regulations that govern everything from business, retail, home appliances/light bulbs, environmental rules etc. Americans being more compliant than rebellious have just...
City Elections and Low Voter Turnout

The Electoral College

The Electoral College was created as an additional safeguard in our system of checks and balances. Hamilton and the other founders believed that the electors would be able to ensure that only a qualified person becomes President. They wanted a buffer between the...