My last blog addressed why it is important to have a generational mindset. A perfect example of present day thinking of our leaders and most of us is found in 2 Kings 20 that relates the story of King Hezekiah. I have spent a lot to time reading about the kings of Israel and have found it to be quite instructive on leadership principles and the resulting impact on the nation of each king. Hezekiah was one of the good kings but he was flawed in his thinking.

2 Kings 20 talks about this attitude of only caring about the things that will happen in our own lifetime. King Hezekiah called out to the Lord when he fell ill and the Lord extended his life fifteen years. Almost immediately after this miracle Hezekiah, in his pride, shows Babylonian envoys everything in his treasuries. When Isaiah the prophet heard this he prophesied how the Babylonians would come back and carry all the temple treasures and some of his sons (future generation) off to Babylon. Hezekiah responded by affirming the word as good because, he thought to himself, it would not happen in his lifetime or more importantly under his administration.

For the last 100 years we have had more and more leaders who are only concerned with what happens on their watch rather than what will benefit future generations or what is needed to sustain true liberty. It is time for us to grow up and begin to discipline ourselves to think beyond ourselves and towards God’s purpose for this nation; and how to best secure the future for all generations to come.

We need a starting point that will put us on a path to changing our thinking. This will require taking a good hard look within ourselves and repenting for being self-consumed and living for today without thought for future generations. Because of our lack of biblical knowledge we have adopted faddish ways of parenting that go against God’s style of parenting. I remember distinctly the day my husband and I looked at each other and said that we needed to find out what the Word of God says on how we should live because what we were doing wasn’t working. That was a turning point in our marriage and family life.

Hezekiah’s kind of thinking has taken hold of modern society today. Now is the time to throw that kind of evil thinking away and begin to renew our minds to the Word of God so we recognize stinking thinking when we see it. Do we really want to be known as the generation that allowed America to die?

God is moving his mindset to the forefront all over the world. But what is God’s mindset? It is a kingdom mindset that causes us to only pursue and do those things that build God’s kingdom. After all, as Christians we are first of all citizens of God’s kingdom and then citizens of America. We are ambassadors of His kingdom.

As family units we are to grow the family with that kingdom mindset so that our children and grandchildren learn principled living. Basically, we are to be like Jesus who said and did only what His Father said. But isn’t that what being a true disciple of Christ is all about? Learning to hear and discern the voice of God and obey? Teaching your children to recognize the voice of God and obey is the best gift you can give them.

The key is being a true disciple, learning the Bible, faithful prayer life and modeling biblical principles at home, at work, at play and taking responsibility as a citizen of the United States. If you aren’t learning the Word of God in your church then it may be time to find a church that will equip you to fulfill your call and Godly responsibilities. We had to make that decision and it was the best decision we ever made. It is awesome that we are not left orphans but that we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and God gave us an instruction manual that shows us the way to live for a successful life of victory in every area.

So step one is self-examination and repentance, committing to living according to biblical principles.

Step two is then learning the Bible and God’s principles. He created us and He knows what is best for us.

Step three is to not be conformed to the world which requires changes in what we see, hear and do. This requires letting God’s word truly transform us as Romans 12:2 instructs.

If you can get a picture of what God’s true intention for man was from the beginning and how He sees generational thinking and blessings, then you will become the person, husband/wife, father/mother, employee/employer, servant leader God created you to be.

Dinner Table Discussion Question: What am I going to do to create a generational mentality in my family?

Next Week: God’s Original Intent for Families