The trend over the past few years has been for progressive candidates to get elected in non-partisan (means no political party affiliation) local elections in order to give them name recognition and to advance their own agendas and political ambitions. The reality is that there are no such things as non-partisan elections. Everyone has a worldview or ideology that will reflect either a conservative or progressive philosophy. That is why it is so important to seek good candidates to run for office in local elections. Communities need candidates who are running because they truly care about the city and maintaining a good quality of life for its citizens.

Once progressives are elected to city offices they tend to end up promoting culture change that does not reflect the citizens’ values. In addition, progressives approach it the same way as the federal government. In other words, you the citizen can’t be trusted, ‘we’ know what’s best for you. Many of these policies are approached from the position of tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism which tends to label anyone who differs as a hater or bigot in order to limit rational discussion.

Multiculturalism promotes the idea that American culture is the same as any other culture and that the Christian religion is equal to all other religions and cults. The purpose here is to divide and create group rights. But there are no group rights in the Constitution. The United States of America was built on the foundation of God given inalienable rights (individual rights) not group rights.

Sadly, almost half of American citizens have fallen for the destructive idea of multiculturalism and political correctness because it is constantly spoken of in the media and pop culture. We, as Americans need to wake up and realize that the media’s idea of America is not the one that made America great. No, their idea of America is the opposite of the founding principles exemplified in the Declaration and the Constitution. They don’t even believe in having an official language! Why? Because language either unifies or divides. If we all speak different languages, thus requiring everything to be printed in multiple languages, we will be a divided people. This promotes the false idea of “group rights”.

Our cities need to be united in common goals, values and language that respects the many diverse immigrant communities that reside in our neighborhoods but not at the expense of American culture. We are a nation of immigrants who have until recent history embraced the American culture, learned the language and assimilated. They believed our motto, ‘Out of many One’. There is a move to reverse the actual translation of that motto to the reverse, out of one many. Not the same thing at all!

To understand how city/town councils and school boards operate it is important to recognize that the City Managers, city planners and school superintendents drive policy. Unfortunately, many are indoctrinated into the U.N. environmental, transportation and population control policies or treaties that the United States have in most cases not ratified. But yet you have mayors signing off on the U. N.‘s Agenda 21, that has never been ratified by the Senate, which pushes for high density populations living on mass transit lines and control of ‘urban sprawl’. If those we elect are not informed they will go along with whatever the city and school bureaucrats recommend.

We need candidates that are informed, who will look out for the best interests of citizens and will question the need for policy changes. As an example, in my city there is no demonstrated need for an Equal Rights Ordinance (ERO) because there has not been a problem with discrimination. We are a welcoming community and therefore we have no demonstrated need for an ERO.

I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone to find out who is running for city council and find the best candidates then help them get elected. You will not regret it because it is so vitally important to the future and legacy you leave your children and grandchildren.

Next Week: Is Local Control Always Best?

Dinner Table Discussion Question: What is the most important level of government you should be actively engaged in? Discuss which areas of the city you could volunteer to serve on boards and commissions.