This is the day when we remember with great sadness the legal decision to allow Abortion on Demand in this country. Since that time the potential of more than 56 million babies has been snuffed out. Every person upon conception has built within them the purposes and destiny God placed in them. They have potential through their natural talent and gifts to enrich everyone around them. Just think where this nation would be economically if these millions had been allowed to live.

We wouldn’t need immigration to boost our birthrates and contribute to Social Security and Medicare. Who knows what inventions or cures are still waiting to be invented because the ones who were intended to bring these forth were prevented from being birthed? But God knows.

When the Founders spoke that “all men are created equal” they were speaking to the untapped potential we all have at birth. They recognized there was no way to make each person’s outcome the same or equal. God gives us the ability to make decisions regarding the direction of our lives, whether to follow Him or not is an individual decision. He also placed within each one a place that can only be filled by work.

When we do not work our desire to be productive which gives us a sense of worth is diminished. We end up feeling “less than” and worthless. Whether we succeed at our work depends on natural talent, work ethic and willingness to take time to develop our potential. Success is not guaranteed and it is not static because each of us defines success differently.

Abortion destroys not just the life of the baby but all the potential contained within that life. Since abortion is marketed heavily in minority neighborhoods, there is an element of racial genocide taking place that we have not fully acknowledged. But it cannot be denied based on the demographic statistics and location of abortion clinics.

The United States House of Representatives voted today to make permanent the Hyde Amendment that until now was renewed each session. The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion. It should have been made permanent a long time ago but we applaud the House for finally doing the right thing. However, their original intention was to pass a Fetal Pain Bill banning abortions after 20 weeks when the baby can first feel pain. A similar bill passed in 2013 but the House leadership failed today to pass this new version of the bill on this very important anniversary. So this was a good news/bad news day for the 42nd anniversary of Roe.

So this month as we celebrate the sanctity of Human Life let us remember that every life is valuable to God who is the creator of all life.