Christians must equip themselves with America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and true history, as well as a working knowledge of Biblical and secular worldviews and our civic responsibilities. G2g ‘s (Generation to generation) purpose is to educate Christian citizens with a complete overview that challenges citizens to learn the truth regarding America’s Christian heritage, to think Biblically, to understand the current times, and to take action to recapture our heritage of liberty while restoring civility. Then teach it to their children and grandchildren which will secure the future for generations to come. How will they know it if you don’t teach them? You can’t pass on that which you do not possess!

Carol’s Books

My Kids Belong to Who?
If you desire to fully understand the current state of public education, why it’s failing and God’s intention for education then you will want to read, My Kids Belong to Who?

What Were They Thinking
This book is for those who want to better understand Biblical worldview, the beliefs of America’s founding fathers, our nation’s Christian heritage, the Constitution, America’s political system, and how to secure America’s future for your children.

Government, Oversight and Individual Rights
This book is for anyone who wants to understand the nature of government, who has oversight and individual rights as the basis for our liberty.

Gatekeeper 101
This sixteen-week study was initially written to support Christian legislative staffers and the Representatives they serve. However, the principles laid out in each lesson apply to all who sincerely seek to make daily and life decisions from a consistent Biblical viewpoint.

Ten Commandments Placemat
Need a good teaching tool for the family? Order our placemats and turn your kitchen table into a family Ten Commandment monument!
“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.”
Thomas Jefferson (Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 15 February 1791)