One of the simplest ways to think about the Constitution is that it is not a negative document but a positive document. It clearly states what the federal government can do and says very little about what it can’t do. Basically if it isn’t a stated ‘can do’ in the Constitution then everything else is left up to the states. The original intent was that the States would maintain more power than the federal government. How times have changed!

The other thing to remember is that simply writing the Constitution didn’t automatically establish the federal government. The government had no power until the people granted it power. We had to sign off on this document in order to give our permission for this government to be implemented. So it should be assumed that the government cannot do anything without the written proof in the Constitution.

“A Constitution is not the act of a Government, but of a people constituting a government, and a government without a constitution is a power without right.” –Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

Also, it is wise to always acknowledge that contained within the body of the Constitution is the rule of law.  We are a nation of laws and always have been.  It is this very thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world.  The foundation is built on law and not on man.  Even though through the years this system has been compromised and corrupted so that the idea of equality under the law is now questioned, the foundations are still there.  They just need to be revived and brought to the forefront of the people’s minds.  When this happens the people will demand a return to the original foundations that have made this nation great.

We, as a people, have guaranteed rights described in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. What we have lost sight of is the old adage, “with power comes great responsibility”.  Or as Jesus said in Luke 12:48 “to whom much is given, from him much will be required”.   American citizens have been given far more than citizens of other nations.  Therefore, we need to embrace being a role model for the world and not apologize for being a great nation.  It also demands that we stay alert and not slip into slumber and complacency.  That which we take for granted is easy to lose.

This requires us to know our history, understand our political/governmental system and embrace the Judeo-Christian values of the American founders/framers.  In addition we are to be role models (activist citizens) for the younger generations setting the example of diligence, duty, and self-government in such a way that they will be able to take the mantle and pass it on to their children.  It is time that we, as one, cry out to God for a great Awakening of the American people.

Awake, Awake America! Arise from your slumber and embrace your true God given destiny!

Next Week: “We Reserve the Right to…”

Dinner Table Discussion Question: Make a list of what the Constitution says the federal government can do. Discuss how that short list compares to what the federal government is doing today.