Carol’s Books

My Kids Belong to Who?
By: Carol Sewell
If you desire to fully understand the current state of public education, why it’s failing and God’s intention for education then you will want to read, My Kids Belong to Who? It is a short, concise summary of the history of education starting in the Garden of Eden up through today. Education is the institution that molds our future leaders, voters, and parents. In other words, education impacts the generations toward liberty or dependency.
$ 10.00 (S&H included)

What Were They Thinking
By: Carol Sewell
This book is for those who want to better understand Biblical worldview, the beliefs of America’s founding fathers, our nation’s Christian heritage, the Constitution, America’s political system, and how to secure America’s future for your children. Without knowledge we perish. It is the duty of each generation to pass on to the succeeding generations their faith, the Word of God, and America’s rich Christian heritage.
$ 20.00 (S&H included)

“It is time for Christians to reengage and once again become salt and light in the civil arena, and ‘What Where They Thinking on Truth, Liberty & Legacy’ equips Christians to be effective citizens, thus preserving both our civil and religious liberties.”
David Barton, Wallbuilders
“What Were They Thinking will benefit anyone who reads these pages, and if taken seriously, this book has the potential to turn our nation back from destruction.”
Chuck D. Pierce, President, Global Spheres, Inc.

Government, Oversight and Individual Rights
By: Carol Sewell
This book is for anyone who wants to understand the nature of government, who has oversight and individual rights as the basis for our liberty. Government, Oversight, and Individual Rights is easy to read and at the end of each chapter is a discussion question. This book is appropriate for individuals, families, and even small groups.
$ 12.00 (S&H included)

Gatekeeper 101 (a supplement of the Honor Project.)
By: Carol Sewell
This sixteen-week study was initially written to support Christian legislative staffers and the Representatives they serve. However, the principles laid out in each lesson apply to all who sincerely seek to make daily and life decisions from a consistent Biblical viewpoint. These principles are absolutely necessary in order to maintain liberty in our Republic and to bring correct thinking when writing public policy.
$ 10.00 (S&H included)

“Carol has given us all a gift. Gatekeeper 101 is like a stone in David’s slingshot – small, compact and deadly on target. Start the process and by week 16 you will have kick started your own anointing at the Gates!”
Dr. Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group, Dallas, TX

“With Gatekeeper 101, Carol Sewell provides a roadmap in which we fill in the destinations with Biblical clues and references that keep us on track. If all Christian public servants took advantage of Carol’s Biblical knowledge and wisdom by undertaking this study, our little experiment in self-government would easily last another 200 years. This is worth the small investment in time.”
Congressman Louie Gohmert, 1st District Texas

Ten Commandments Placemat
By: Carol Sewell
Need a good teaching tool for the family? Order our placemats and turn your kitchen table into a family Ten Commandment monument!
4 Placemats for $ 20.00 + $5.00 S&H
For bulk orders or special pricing… Email us at:
“Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.”
Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833