If we are all created equal and we have equal rights, then why do we need group rights?  This is a good question and one that is rarely addressed.  In fact, we have heard more about collective group rights in the past fifty years than individual rights. So much so, that we now think more in terms of groups than we think individually.  That is where the term ‘group think’ comes from.

In our hearts, I believe, most of us know that the United States of America was originally based on the foundation of individual life, liberty and property.  It is also my belief that most of us also realize that our Constitutional Republic has strayed way off the path of righteousness and justice.  Not to sound conspiratorial, but this has not happened by accident.  There has been a deliberate attempt to undermine the moral and traditional values over the last 90 years knowing that by destroying the family unit the people would turn to government to solve the social ills of society.

As a result of this gradual undermining of social structures and institutions the government grew and expanded.  As this occurred the less mention there was of individual rights.  The first instances of groups trying to control that which was not there’s to control came with collective bargaining rights.  The whole concept of “the collective” (the idea that groups of people can have rights collectively) came from Karl Marx in his thinking that it is possible to eliminate the wealthy class and distribute their wealth to everyone else.  It is a utopian philosophy that is promoted through creating class envy and hatred of those who have more.  Thus everyone would share in the wealth and all would be equal.  Many nations have tried this system of government over the last century and it has failed every time leaving in its wake a stream of death and economic destruction.

Unfortunately, America’s elite have fallen prey to this thinking.  Now it is reflected in our textbooks, our universities teach Marxism openly and despise independent thinkers, and the entertainment industry has used their medium to further indoctrinate America’s youth.  What does it benefit the federal government when they successfully separate us by group and victim status?  It destroys the premise upon which this nation was built that the purpose of government is to protect the individual and the minority.  In a pure democracy, individuals and minorities are not protected which is why they always end in tyranny.  We are not a democracy for that reason.  The Founders studied the history of nations and realized democracies ultimately failed so they decided that a Representative Constitutional Republic would create a more limited and just government.

Bottom line is we need to refuse to fall into ‘group think’ mode.  We were created equal but we are unique individuals therefore we need to think for ourselves and cherish our rights as individuals created by God.  All of us have the same rights, however because human nature is a fallen nature according to Genesis 3, the idea of equal rights is difficult for those who feel superior or fear those who are a different race or nationality.  America, as a melting pot of the world, attracts people from all over the world seeking to have a better life, freedom and opportunity.  Because America believes in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority everyone has the same rights as everyone else through our Constitutional set of laws.  Equality under the law is a Constitutional guarantee but it only works as long as there is a respect for the rule of law (versus rule of men).

In order for us to see this truth work we will need another great awakening to change the hearts of the people and ultimately their thinking. We cannot hold onto an entitlement mentality and live in agreement with God and His word. They are in opposition to each other.  Entitlement thinking idolizes government and leaves no room for God.  We have to choose who we are going to trust – government or God.  God created us individually unique and His ways promote the principles embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.  We are all equal and have equal rights.

Next week: Thoughts on motherhood in honor of Mothers’ Day and then we will continue with our liberty principles: What makes government legitimate?

Dinner Table Discussion Question: What groups in America get special treatment and why?  How does that hurt the founding truth that we are all created equal and have equal rights?