It seems to me that there is a plethora of so-called “experts”, telling us what to think and how to think about almost everything.  In this incredibly fast paced life we have in America it is easier for us to listen to the “experts” to get our information.  But we really need to know just who these “experts” are to understand whether they are really experts and even if they are credible.  What we may find is that these so-called “experts” have an agenda they are promoting and therefore cannot be trusted to present a balanced view or even truth.

The Bible talks about the need for discernment in our lives and especially during the end of the ages.  Well, we are living at a time in history that could easily be classified as the end of the ages so we need to seek God for greater discernment than ever before.  Who we listen to and how we listen are vitally important.  We can’t take everything we hear at face value.  We must use the internet to search for the real facts regarding major issues and candidates.

The truth is that the so-called “experts” are intellectual academics (who have no real world experience outside academia), media elites/journalists and liberal politicians.  You may have noticed that most of this group walks in lock step politically and philosophically.  They even appear to have the same talking points, which only gives validity to those of us who now view the media as an arm of the government.  Most of these “experts” have a very dim view of the Constitution because it does not agree with their political philosophy.  They view the Constitution as a document that changes with the times and has little to do with individual rights.

The Constitution was built on the foundation of the Declaration of Independence which clearly states that our rights come from God – meaning man cannot take them away.  The only way these “experts” can legitimize their “living, breathing Constitution” theory is to separate the Declaration of Independence from the Constitution.  Doing this effectively removes all obvious references to God who is unchangeable.  Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to promote the idea that they are totally separate and the one is not related to the other.  By doing that he could get away with growing the government to unprecedented and unconstitutional levels while saying that he believes in the truth’s stated in the Declaration of Independence.

If we, the American people, had a good understanding of these documents we would have known that giving federal agencies the power to administrate laws and develop new rules (laws) on their own was unconstitutional.  Only those elected by the “consent of the governed” have the power to do that.  Now we have a multitude of federal agencies making laws, so many laws that Congress doesn’t even know them.  Until the feds show up on our doorsteps do we even know that we have broken a law.  I think this clearly brings home how we, God’s people perish for lack of knowledge.

Proverbs 25:2 actually encourages us to search truth out for ourselves.  Jesus, in John 5, tells the Jewish leaders to search the scriptures to find the truth.  Freedom isn’t free.  It comes with a price in eternal diligence and sacrifice.  I urge you to read the Declaration of Independence including the list of grievances (many of which we are currently living under) and the Constitution keeping an eye out for how they are interrelated.  The Constitutional system of government was to protect individual rights from the government.  The Bill of Rights was necessary to protect the states and individuals from an intrusive federal government.

Books that help inform: We the People (my book gives the Biblical principles in each article of the Constitution) and Un-Complicating the Constitution by Chad Kent. Both are easy to understand.

Next Week: The Basic Premise

Dinner Table Discussion Question: What is discernment and how do you increase your ability to discern truth?