Do You Want to Dance?

Do You Want to Dance?

This is a re-post from last year but highly appropriate with the events of the last month. As a former dancer, I love everything dance (except for Dance Moms). My journey with music and movement started when I was three years old. Music makes me move. I can’t not move...

Replenish, Govern and Become One

Replenish, Govern and Become One

Last Wednesday I spoke at my church regarding generational thinking and liberty that brings unity. In light of events that occurred the very next night I thought it appropriate to share what was taught. The first three chapters of Genesis gives God’s plan for mankind...

Fathers and Mothers – What Can We Do?

Fathers and Mothers – What Can We Do?

The most important title we carry is “father” or “mother”. Genesis 1 demonstrates God’s design for the family. His design is that parents bear the sole responsibility for rearing and educating their children. Some of us have biological children, some adopted children...

Stand Together and Never Give UP

Stand Together and Never Give UP

Why do second generation Americans commit terrorism against a nation that has been so good to them? This is probably one of the most asked questions given recent events in San Bernardino and Orlando. In my opinion it is a two prong problem. First, the parents never...